
Seeking for PhD students in energy storage and water treatment

The Water-Energy Nexus Group is looking for PhD students, Postdocs and Visitors in the area of clean energy storage (lithium-ion batteries and beyond) and water-energy nexus (self-cleaning polymer, PFAS remediation, heavy metal/bacteria/POPs removal etc.) at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
The general areas of interest are of electrode material synthesis, novel lithium-based batteries including but not limited to Li-ion, solid state batteries, Li-metal batteries, water purification and self-cleaning coatings, etc. The potential students/Postdoc will perform the projects in one or more of the following areas: Lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemistry analysis, Nano-materials synthesis and characterization, TEM observation, bacteria/PFAS/chemicals removal, self-cleaning, etc.  The candidate may do some experiments at other universities and national labs.

To apply please send a CV to Prof. Niu at niu@uwm.edu.

Postdoc position in batteries

We are looking for a few Postdocs in the area of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Solid-State Batteries at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The general areas of interest are of electrode material synthesis particularly with NMC cathode materials and lithium metals, performance test of novel lithium-based batteries and solid-state batteries. This position provides a very competitive salary and benefit package. Only the candidate with battery background and good English writing skill will be considered.

To apply please send a CV to Prof. Niu at niu@uwm.edu.

 Postdoc position in water treatments

We are looking for one Postdoctoral position (Research Associate) in water treatments/polymers at Department of Materials Science and Engineering and School of Freshwater Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The candidate should have research experience in water treatments particularly with PFAS/POPs/bacteria/metal ions removal in wastewater and/or self-cleaning coatings. The candidate should have a strong background in water treatments and polymers with an excellent writing skill. This position provides a very competitive salary and benefit package. Only the candidate with water treatment background and good English writing skill will be considered.

To apply please send a CV to Prof. Niu at niu@uwm.edu.