
Eckman, F. & Iverson, G. 2015. Second Language Acquisition and Phonological Change . In The Oxford Handbook of Historical Phonology,(ed.) by P. Honeybone & J. Salmons. Pp. 637 – 643. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Eckman, F., Iverson, G. & Song, J. Y. 2015. Overt and Covert Contrast in L2 Phonology. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 1, 254 – 277.

Eckman, F., Iverson, G. & Song, J. Y. 2014. Covert Contrast in the Acquisition of Second Language Phonology. In Perspectives on Phonological theory and Acquisition: Papers in Honor of Daniel A. Dinnsen, (ed.) by A.Farris-Trimble & J. Barlow. Pp. 25 – 48. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: JohnBenjamins Publishers.

Eckman, F., Iverson, G. & Song, J. Y. 2013. The Role of Hypercorrection in the Acquisition of L2 Phonemic Contrasts. Second Language Research, 29, 257 – 283.

Eckman, F. & Iverson, G. 2013. The Role of Native Language Phonology in the Production of L2 Contrasts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35. 67 – 92.

Eckman, F. 2012. Markedness Differential Hypothesis. In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by P.Robinson, 409 – 411. New York: Taylor Francis/Routledge.

Eckman, F. 2004. From Phonemic Differences to Constraint Rankings: Research on second language phonology: State of the Art. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 26, 513 – 549.

Eckman, F. 2008. Typological Markedness and Second Language Phonology. In Phonology and Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by J. Hansen & M.Zampini, 95 – 116. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Eckman, F., A. Elreyes and G. Iverson. 2003. Some Principles of Second Language Phonology. Second Language Research 19. 169 – 208, 2003.