Predictor Criticality SAS Macro

For information and details about the predictor criticality measure, see:

This SAS program requires that you have an ASCII (plain text) data file with the variables arranged in the order Y, X1, …, Xp.

The OUTPUT of this program includes the following information:

  • Regression analysis using the input data file.
  • For each fit criterion (AIC, Radj2, Cp):
    • The Best-Fitting-Models frequency distribution;
    • The criticality values and their 95% confidence intervals;
    • The weighted criticality values;
    • The dominance criticality values.

You will need to INPUT the following in the program:

  • Name of the data file (an ASCII data file with variables arranged in the order Y, X1, X2, …, Xp).
  • p: the number of predictors.
  • B: the number of bootstrap runs.
  • Type of predictors: either ‘f’ if the predictors are fixed, or ‘r’ if the predictors are random.
  • A generating seed for the resamples: six digits (or 0 to use clock value).



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